The Transparent Truth Blog

Practical, honest, and transparent lessons about how to apply the truth of God’s word in relationships, career pursuits, and life’s everyday moments.

Briana Sade Briana Sade

Your Guide to Christian YouTube: Channels That Offer More Than Just Sermons

If you're searching for content that challenges your mind while nurturing your faith, look no further! I've rounded up some of my favorite thought-provoking and spiritually enriching YouTube creators. From former atheists turned passionate believers to hip-hop artists who double as cultural commentators, these YouTubers are making waves in the digital space.

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Briana Sade Briana Sade

My First Natural Birth Experience: a mother is born.

During one of our casual phone talks, he randomly expressed his desire for his future wife to have a natural birth, involving a squatting position. Naturally, I playfully challenged his perspective, asserting that his wife would make her own choices regarding childbirth because it ultimately pertained to her body and her experience. Little did I know that I would soon become the very wife he was referring to. Life has a funny way of surprising us, doesn't it?

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Life Briana Sade Life Briana Sade

Have you ever questioned your faith?

Truthfully, I was taught to solely believe in Jesus. I was never given any other options. This is not necessarily a bad thing, but I did not want this to be the answer to the question. “I believe in Jesus because my family taught me to.” It just does not sound convincing or intellectual at all.

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